Become a member for just $30 per year
Memberships for 2021/2022 are now open.
Please download and complete our membership form to secure yourself a plot. Starting at $30 and $30 for additional plots (subject to availability), you also get access to soil, compost, mulch, water, and communal plantings.
PCG Membership Application Form
And don’t forget that many hands make light work. Please feel free to come along to our working-bee days which offer a fantastic opportunity to make friends and contribute to the success of the garden as an asset to the Portland region.
What is included

Our Purpose:
To provide opportunity to access land by the community for the purpose of growing affordable chemical free food. To improve the natural environment by re-establishing indigenous plants to create habitat areas in Portland and the surrounding Glenelg Shire
To teach people how to grow their own food in a sustainable way and to value natural plant and animal diversity in our local environment.
We value and believe in self governance structures that are transparent, honest and built on diversity with mutual respect and a commitment to stakeholder participation.
We believe that when people work together to grow food and reconnect with the land, communities and families grow strong, confident and healthy.